About our Pasture Raised Chickens and Turkeys

Organic Certification for our Poultry

Our farm is once again in the organic certification system (North Okanagan Organic Association NOOA Cert#04-367).  We have always farmed according to the Canadian organic principles and standards but with the advent of locally grown and processed certified organic feed less than 2 km from our farm as well as both food safety and quality standards at our shared processing facility, we have re-entered the certified organic system.

For years, we have had customers who take their food choices seriously, including those who have come to inspect our farm the day the chicks arrive, 2-3 times through the growing period, the night before slaughter when we place the sleeping chickens in crates and back the next day to watch the slaughtering process.  These and other return customers have trusted us to provide the best food for their families.  Their trust and support has really helped us to keep a fresh outlook and to constantly challenge ourselves to find the healthiest, most sustainable and humane ways of raising poultry.

In the process, through multi-species intensive rotational grazing, our land has been transformed from a weedy piece of glacial till with many rocks and little soil to a rich, biologically diverse, verdant mix of woodlands and pasture that many species of wild creatures call home.  This comes with its own challenges but also richness beyond any monetary measure. 

In the words of the immortal William Shakespeare β€œOne touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”

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